No bad exchange rates. Kindly check with your recipient or with the bank directly to find out which one to use. Encontre o código SWIFT para BBVA Bancomer em México. No hidden fees. This SWIFT BIC code list was searched 160 number of times in the past. EFT (Electronic fund transfer or wire transfer to direct bank account) facility ia available for Bbva Bancomer Sa located in Mexico with swift bic routing code of BCMRMXMMPYM in Payment Orders Department , Mexico. If you think you've used the wrong SWIFT code to send money, you should get in contact with your bank right away. Swift Code (BIC) - BCMRMXMM XXX - BBVA BANCOMER, S.A. SCRL with a registered address at Avenue Adèle 1, B-1310 La Hulpe, Belgium. The SWIFT BIC Code BCMRMXMM is a unique code which consists of letters, numbers and identifies of Mexico, Mexico branch, Bbva Bancomer S.A.. All 11 digit codes refer to specific branches, while 8 digit codes (or those ending in 'XXX') refer to the head or primary office. Receive Money: Get paid at the real exchange rate by using TransferWise. meaningful digits: 11 - This swift code references a branch office of BBVA BANCOMER, S.A. Institution / Bank Code: BCMR - This is the institution / bank code assigned to BBVA BANCOMER, S.A.. Country Code: MX - This is the 2-letter country code associated with MEXICO (MX). All addresses, contacts, SWIFT codes and other data are gathered from open sources and re-checking regularly. Detailed information about SWIFT Code BCMRMXMMPYM; SWIFT Code: BCMR MX MM PYM Click to Copy Send by e-mail: Money Transfer: Save on international fees by using TransferWise. BCMRMXMM XXX - SWIFT Code (BIC) - BBVA BANCOMER, S.A. in MEXICO - MEXICO Swift Code BCMRMXMM is the unique bank identifier for BBVA BANCOMER, S.A. 's head office branch located in MEXICO - MEXICO and it's used to verify financial transactions such as a bank wire transfers (international wire transfers). SWIFT code registrations are handled by the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT). Incoming Wire Transfer Fees for BBVA Bancomer, S.A. Mexico. Get Swift code BIC code of Bbva Bancomer S A Fiduciary Department branch in Mexico city, of Mexico country along with address and contact phone numbers, scroll down Bbva Bancomer S A SWIFT Code: BCMRMXMMFID These codes are used when transferring money between banks, particularly for international wire transfers. The SWIFT code of Bbva Bancomer, S.a., Mexico, Mexico is BCMRMXMMPYM. Read our reviews at Each BBVA Bancomer branch has a unique SWIFT code. But we don’t have comparison data for transparency or speed at the moment. SWIFT and BIC Codes for all the banks in the world. Swift Code BCMRMXMMCOL Breakdown No. You can usually find the right SWIFT code for your bank on your statements, or in your online banking. First 4 characters - bank code (only letters) Next 2 characters - ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code (only letters) 3. An 11 digit code refers to a specific branch, while an 8 digit code (or one ending in 'XXX') refers to the bank's head office. También es conocido como “BIC” por sus siglas en inglés “Bank Identifier Code”. Swift Code BCMRMXMMMTY Breakdown No. Códigos de identificación de negocios (códigos BIC) para miles de bancos e instituciones financieras en más de 210 países. Business Identifier Codes (BIC codes) for thousands of banks and … : Bank / Institution Sin embargo, BBVA Bancomer usa diferentes códigos SWIFT/BIC para los diferentes tipos de servicios bancarios que ofrece. SWIFT Codes & BIC Codes for Banks in Mexico. That’s because the banks still use an old system to exchange money. Información. Bank: BBVA BANCOMER, S.A. You can also search for your bank's SWIFT code with our finder tool. Bienvenidos a la banca en línea de BBVA. Check your bank’s SWIFT code and get all details you need for international money transfer. All 11 digit codes refer to specific branches, while 8 digit codes (or those ending in 'XXX') refer to the head or primary office. Swift Code BCMRMXMMDOC Breakdown No. First 4 characters - bank code (only letters) Next 2 characters - ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code (only letters) Use our guide to find the best providers when you’re ready to send money to Mexico . Complete list of BBVA Bancomer Bank SWIFT codes in Mexico by branch or department. 3. You'll get the real exchange rate with the low fee we're known for. This SWIFT BIC code list was searched 212 number of times in the past. The SWIFT code BCMRMXMMPYM is used to perform wire transfer electronically between Bbva Bancomer, S.a. Mexico, Mexico and other participating branches in … TransferWise never hides fees in the exchange rate. Location Code: MM - This represents the location code … International Incoming Wire Transfer Fees for BBVA Bancomer, S.A. is as follows: So while there are cheaper options, they might not be the fairest or the fastest. TransferWise is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority under the Electronic Money Regulations 2011, Firm Reference 900507, for the issuing of electronic money. Try TransferWise for fast, cheap and secure international money transfers. Receive Money: Get paid at the real exchange rate by using TransferWise. Código SWIFT: BCMR MX MM Pulsa para Copiar Enviar por correo electrónico: Transferencia de dinero: Ahórrate las comisiones internacionales usando TransferWise. By sending and receiving with TransferWise you'll get the real exchange rate every time, and a free first transfer up to £500. A SWIFT Code is a standard format of Bank Identifier Code (BIC) used to specify a particular bank or branch. Find the BIC / SWIFT code for BBVA BANCOMER, S.A. in Mexico here. Códigos de identificación de negocios (códigos BIC) para miles de bancos e … Los códigos SWIFT están formados por 8 u 11 caracteres (letras y números) y en el caso de Bbva Bancomer, S.A. en México tienen el siguiente formato: BCMR MX BCMR - Primeros 4 caracteres (sólo letras) - código de Bbva Bancomer, S.A. . Without it, your bank can't identify the exact bank the money should go to. Click branch name to get Swift code, BIC Code, branch location, address contact etc … SWIFT Code Details A SWIFT/BIC is an 8-11 character code that identifies your country, city, bank, and branch. Siguientes 2 caracteres (sólo letras) - código ISO de México . Please bear in mind that BBVA Bancomer uses different SWIFT codes for the different types of banking services or branches. If you don't know which SWIFT code to use, you can usually send money with the SWIFT code for the bank's head office. PASEO DE LA REFORMA 510: City: MEXICO: Branch: CENTRO BANCOMER … We’re on a mission to bring transparency to finance, for people without borders. The name and address of recipient’s bank – including the BIC (Business Identifier Code) / SWIFT code / clearing code. However, if you’re not sure, or can’t find the branch code, you can use the 8 character head office SWIFT code, and your payment will still make its way to your account. BBVA Bancomer SWIFT codes in Mexico The SWIFT/BIC code for BBVA BANCOMER, S.A. is BCMRMXMMXXX. When sending money internationally, you’ll need a SWIFT/BIC code. Banks also use these codes for exchanging messages between them. SWIFT Code Equivalent SWIFT/BIC Codes SWIFT Code Breakdown Bank Name & Address; BCMRMXMMBFX: BCMRMXMM BFX BCMR MX MM BFX: Bank code: BCMR Country Code: MX Location Code: MM Branch Code :BFX : BBVA BANCOMER, S.A. (FOREIGN EXCHANGE, INC.) City: MEXICO Country: MEXICO: BCMRMXMMCOL: BCMRMXMM COL BCMR MX MM COL: Bank code: BCMR Country Code… Swift codes. MEXICO: Sucursal: CENTRO BANCOMER: Código postal: 06600: País: México: Última actualización de la base de datos : 01-OCT-2020 ¿Cómo puedo encontrar mi código SWIFT de BBVA Bancomer? BBVA BANCOMER, S.A., MEXICO - SWIFT Code Information; SWIFT Code / BIC: BCMR MX MM TIN Copy Send via Email: Money Transfer: Save on international fees by using TransferWise, which is 5x cheaper than banks. SWIFT codes comprise of 8 or 11 characters. A SWIFT Code is a standard format of Bank Identifier Code (BIC) used to specify a particular bank or branch. You can check the correct SWIFT codes for your BBVA Bancomer branch here. Find them here! Links to Branchs in Mexico city, in Mexico where Bbva Bancomer S A has it's presence is listed below. What is a SWIFT Code? When you send or receive money using your bank, you'll often be charged an additional fee hidden behind a bad exchange rate. Please bear in mind that BBVA Bancomer uses different SWIFT codes for different branches or services. Swift Code / BIC (Bank Identifier Code) Details for BCMRMXMM and BCMRMXMM___ BCMRMXMM is the swift code for Primary Office of BBVA BANCOMER, S.A. Bank in MEXICO Mexico. Swift Code / BIC (Bank Identifier Code) Details for BCMRMXMM and BCMRMXMM___ BCMRMXMM is the swift code for Primary Office of BBVA BANCOMER, S.A. Bank in MEXICO Mexico. You move your money as fast as the banks, and often faster – some currencies go through in minutes. Millions of people have saved money with TransferWise – you could too! EFT (Electronic fund transfer or wire transfer to direct bank account) facility ia available for Bbva Bancomer Sa located in Mexico with swift bic routing code of BCMRMXMMCOR in Correspondent Banking , Mexico. A free international business account to send, spend and receive in multiple currencies with the real exchange rate. SWIFT is the registered trademark of S.W.I.F.T. meaningful digits: 11 - This swift code references a branch office of BBVA BANCOMER, S.A. Institution / Bank Code: BCMR - This is the institution / bank code assigned to BBVA BANCOMER, S.A.. Country Code: MX - This is the 2-letter country code associated with MEXICO (MX). meaningful digits: 11 - This swift code references a branch office of BBVA BANCOMER, S.A. Institution / Bank Code: BCMR - This is the institution / bank code assigned to BBVA BANCOMER, S.A.. Country Code: MX - This is the 2-letter country code associated with MEXICO (MX). However, BBVA Bancomer uses different SWIFT/BIC codes for the different types of banking services it offers. We've partnered with other providers who believe in fairness and transparency. BBVA BANCOMER, S.A. - Código SWIFT; Código SWIFT: BCMR MX MM XXX Pulsa para Copiar Enviar por correo electrónico: Transferencia de dinero: Ahórrate las comisiones internacionales usando TransferWise. SWIFT Codes & BIC Codes for Banks in Mexico. Manage your money across 50+ currencies. Swift codes. meaningful digits: 11 - This swift code references a branch office of BBVA BANCOMER, S.A. Institution / Bank Code: BCMR - This is the institution / bank code assigned to BBVA BANCOMER, S.A.. Country Code: MX - This is the 2-letter country code associated with MEXICO (MX). EFT (Electronic fund transfer or wire transfer to direct bank account) facility ia available for Bbva Bancomer Sa located in Mexico with swift bic routing code of BCMRMXMM in , Mexico. EFT (Electronic fund transfer or wire transfer to direct bank account) facility ia available for Bbva Bancomer Sa located in Mexico with swift bic routing code of BCMRMXMM in , Mexico. A SWIFT Code is a standard format of Bank Identifier Code (BIC) used to specify a particular bank or branch. Address: AV. And if they have a fee, they charge you twice. This branch is located in Mexico, Mexico. You get a great exchange rate and a low, upfront fee every time. Si no estás seguro de qué código debes usar, pregunta a tu destinatario o al banco directamente. If it's too late to cancel, you might have to contact the recipient yourself and request that they return your money. Join over 9 million people who save when they send money with us. Bank code A-Z 4 letters representing the bank. El Código SWIFT es un código de identificación bancaria (BIC) y sirve como identificador único para un banco o institución financiera. Swift Code BCMRMXMMCOL Breakdown No. Be sure to check with the recipient - or with the bank directly - to find out which one to use. “SWIFT” es el acrónimo de las siglas en inglés de “Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication” para darle nombre al código de identificación de una transacción internacional. Utilizamos cookies propias y de terceros para mejorar nuestros servicios y mostrar a los … Sin embargo, el principal motivo por el que SWIFT suele ser conocido es por ser un código internacional que presta a sus socios un servicio de mensajería cifrada que posibilita las transferencias internacionales de fondos.SWIFT determina los códigos bancarios que son necesarios para realizar o recibir una transferencia internacional.. El código BIC (Bank Identifier Code) o SWIFT … All SWIFT codes consist of 8 or 11 characters. Recibir dinero: Recibe pagos al tipo de cambio real usando TransferWise. Recibir dinero: Recibe pagos al tipo de cambio real usando TransferWise. BBVA BANCOMER, S.A. in MEXICO. How do we collect this data? Get Swift code BIC code of Bbva Bancomer S A Foreign Exchange Department branch in Mexico city, of Mexico country along with address and contact phone numbers, scroll down Les codes SWIFT se composent de 8 ou 11 caractères (lettres et chiffres); dans le cas de Bbva Bancomer, S.A. en Mexique, ils ont le format suivant: BCMR MX BCMR - 4 premiers caractères (lettres seulement) - code de Bbva Bancomer, S.A. . Incoming Wire Transfer Fees for BBVA Bancomer, S.A. Mexico. meaningful digits: 11 - This swift code references a branch office of BBVA BANCOMER, S.A. Institution / Bank Code: BCMR - This is the institution / bank code assigned to BBVA BANCOMER, S.A.. Country Code: MX - This is the 2-letter country code associated with MEXICO (MX). The SWIFT Code of BBVA BANCOMER, S.A. in GUADALAJARA, Mexico is BCMRMXMMGUA. SWIFT codes comprise of 8 or 11 characters. All banks have a SWIFT code, but not all banks have unique codes for each of their branches. Please bear in mind that BBVA Bancomer uses different SWIFT codes for the different types of banking services or branches. Send at the real exchange rate, and spend with a TransferWise debit Mastercard®. And honestly, we’re not the cheapest this time. TransferWise is the cheaper, faster and easier way to get the real exchange rate. When you send or receive money using your bank, you might lose out on a bad exchange rate and pay hidden fees as a result. Since this swift code belongs to a primary office of the bank, it can have an optional branch code "___". Para encontrar tu código SWIFT, accede a tu banca en línea o mira en un extracto bancario reciente. The SWIFT/BIC code for BBVA BANCOMER, S.A. is BCMRMXMMXXX. Home > Mexico > MEXICO > BBVA BANCOMER, S.A.: SWIFT/BIC Codes Find SWIFT Codes or BIC Codes across all the banks in the world. Detailed information about SWIFT Code BCMRMXMM; SWIFT Code: BCMR MX MM Click to Copy Send by e-mail: Money Transfer: Save on international fees by using TransferWise. meaningful digits: 11 - This swift code references a branch office of BBVA BANCOMER, S.A. Institution / Bank Code: BCMR - This is the institution / bank code assigned to BBVA BANCOMER, S.A.. Country Code: MX - This is the 2-letter country code associated with MEXICO (MX). What is a SWIFT code? If you’re not sure which code you should use, check with your recipient or with the bank directly. They may be able to cancel the transaction. BBVA Bancomer - SWIFT codes in Mexico. Swift code of BBVA BANCOMER, S.A. in MEXICO 1 Note: SWIFT is a trademark of S.W.I.F.T. If you have the bank name and address, but not the SWIFT code, just use our SWIFT/BIC finder to get the right code to use. Find out more information about BBVA BANCOMER, S.A. or SWIFT/BIC code. Kindly check with your recipient or with the bank directly to find out which one to use. Location Code: MM - This represents the location code … SWIFT codes are used to identify banks and financial institutions worldwide. Get Swift code BIC code of Bbva Bancomer S A International Operations Mexico D F branch in Mexico city, of Mexico country along with address and contact phone numbers, scroll down SWIFT codes are formatted as follows: AAAA BB CC DDD. Find your bank’s SWIFT code here. Do you need BBVA Bancomer SWIFT code for international transfers? The SWIFT code for BBVA Bancomer is BCMRMXMMXXX. PYM Código de sucursal Este código SWIFT es para BBVA BANCOMER, S.A. Datos del código SWIFT de BBVA BANCOMER, S.A. Un SWIFT/BIC es un código de 8 a 11 caracteres que identifica tu país, ciudad, banco y sucursal. These codes are used when transferring money between banks, particularly for … Get Swift code BIC code of Bbva Bancomer S A Letters Of Credit Department Mexico D F branch in Mexico city, of Mexico country along with address and contact phone numbers, scroll down SWIFT codes are formatted as follows: The downside of international transfers with your bank. Find your bank’s SWIFT code here. BBVA BANCOMER, S.A., MEXICO - SWIFT Code Information; SWIFT Code / BIC: BCMR MX MM Copy Send via Email: Money Transfer: Save on international fees by using TransferWise, which is 5x cheaper than banks. Check the BCMRMXMMPYM SWIFT / BIC code details below. Where can I find my BBVA Bancomer SWIFT code. In this page you will find detailed information about the swift code “ BCMRMXMMXXX ” of “ BBVA BANCOMER, S.A. ”. Address: AVENIDA UNIVERSIDAD 1200 COLONIA XOCO: City: MEXICO: … What is a SWIFT Code? : Banco BBVA BANCOMER, S.A. (PAYMENT ORDERS DEPARTMENT) in MEXICO. You join over 2 million customers who transfer in 47 currencies across 70 countries. Since this swift code belongs to a primary office of the bank, it can have an optional branch code "___". BBVA Bancomer - SWIFT codes in Mexico The SWIFT code for BBVA Bancomer is BCMRMXMMXXX. Location Code: MM - This represents the location code … El código SWIFT/BIC para BBVA BANCOMER, S.A. es BCMRMXMMXXX. We charge as little as possible, and we always show you upfront. However, using traditional banks to send money abroad can be slow and expensive. Location Code: MM - This represents the location code … The easiest way to do this is look up the bank online, but if they don’t have a website you may need to call the bank directly to confirm the swift codes. Banks and other transfer services have a dirty little secret. SWIFT codes for all branches of BBVA BANCOMER, S.A.. BBVA BANCOMER, S.A. We’re always honest with our customers. However, BBVA Bancomer uses different SWIFT/BIC codes for the different types of banking services it offers. Get paid at the real exchange rate by using, First 4 characters - bank code (only letters), Next 2 characters - ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code (only letters), Next 2 characters - location code, passive participant will have "1" in the second character (letters and digits), Last 3 characters - branch code, optional - 'XXX' for primary office (letters and digits). SWIFT codes for all branches of BBVA BANCOMER, S.A.. Códigos SWIFT. Swift Code BCMRMXMMPYM Breakdown No. Use our guide to find the best providers when you’re ready to send money to Mexico . SWIFT code: BCMRMXMMXXX. : Bank / Institution : Recibir dinero: Recibe pagos al tipo de cambio real usando TransferWise. Some banks have unique SWIFT codes for each of their branches, while others have one SWIFT code for all their branches. Swift Code BCMRMXMMXXX Breakdown No. Find your bank’s SWIFT code here. We give you the real rate, independently provided by Reuters. Compare our rate and fee with Western Union, ICICI Bank, WorldRemit and more, and see the difference for yourself. This SWIFT BIC code list was searched 47 number of times in the past. Get Swift code BIC code of Bbva Bancomer S A Reconcilement Department branch in Mexico city, of Mexico country along with address and contact phone numbers, scroll down Bbva Bancomer S A SWIFT Code: BCMRMXMMREC BBVA BANCOMER, S.A., MEXICO - SWIFT Code Information; SWIFT Code / BIC: BCMR MX MM PYM Copy Send via Email: Money Transfer: Save on international fees by using TransferWise, which is 5x cheaper than banks. Código SWIFT: BCMR MX MM Pulsa para Copiar Enviar por correo electrónico: Transferencia de dinero: Ahórrate las comisiones internacionales usando TransferWise. Receive Money: Get paid at the real exchange rate by using TransferWise. The first four characters of swift code " BCMR " denote the bank name and next two characters MX points Mexico, next two characters " MM " is meant for location Mexico. Estos códigos se usan para relizar transferencias de dinero entre bancos, en este caso en particular, el codigo mostrado en este sitio web, sirve para realizar transferencias bancarias internacionales a el banco bbva bancomer. Banco: BBVA BANCOMER, S.A. Dirección: AV. meaningful digits: 11 - This swift code references a branch office of BBVA BANCOMER, S.A. Institution / Bank Code: BCMR - This is the institution / bank code assigned to BBVA BANCOMER, S.A.. Country Code: MX - This is the 2-letter country code associated with MEXICO (MX). All 11 digit codes refer to specific branches, while 8 digit codes (or those ending in 'XXX') refer to the head or primary office. Swift Code BCMRMXMMDOC Breakdown No. Swift Code BCMRMXMMMTY Breakdown No. meaningful digits: 8 - The short 8-letter swift refers to the PRIMARY Office of BBVA BANCOMER, S.A. Institution / Bank Code: BCMR - This is the institution / bank code assigned to BBVA BANCOMER, S.A.. Country Code: MX - This is the 2-letter country code associated with MEXICO (MX). … Get Swift code BIC code of Bbva Bancomer S A International Treasury Department branch in Mexico city, of Mexico country along with address and contact phone numbers, scroll down AVENIDA UNIVERSIDAD 1200, COLONIA XOCO If you're making an international transfer to a BBVA Bancomer bank account, or if someone is transferring you cash to your BBVA Bancomer bank account in Mexico, you'll be asked for a BIC/SWIFT code along with details like the bank address. Make a one-off payment. El equivalente del IBAN en México es la CLABE junto con el código SWIFT. If you’re not sure which code you should use, check with your recipient or with the bank directly. Banco: BBVA BANCOMER, S.A. Dirección: AV. As desvantagens das transferências internacionais com o seu banco Ao enviar ou ou receber uma transferência internacional com o seu banco, você pode perder dinheiro com uma taxa de câmbio ruim e, como consequência, pagar tarifas ocultas. The SWIFT codes for BBVA Bancomer are listed below. … It’s your money. : Receive Money: Get paid at the real exchange rate by using TransferWise. SWIFT BIC Code of Bbva Bancomer … Cambia tu nómina con nosotros, contrata fondos de inversión,crédito automotriz,préstamos,hipotecas o descarga Wallet y compra de forma segura. Ambos te lo proporciona tu banco sin problema alguno. Swift code is used while transferring money between banks, particularly for international wire transfers. Códigos SWIFT. International Incoming Wire Transfer Fees for BBVA Bancomer, S.A. is as follows: Les codes SWIFT se composent de 8 ou 11 caractères (lettres et chiffres); dans le cas de Bbva Bancomer, S.A. en Mexique, ils ont le format suivant: BCMR MX BCMR - 4 premiers caractères (lettres seulement) - code de Bbva Bancomer, S.A. . No surprises. Note: This list of BBVA Bancomer Bank Branches and ATMs in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico locations is for informational use only. It depends. Bank: BBVA BANCOMER, S.A. We recommend you use TransferWise, which is usually much cheaper. : Receive Money: Get paid at the real exchange rate by using TransferWise. : Receive Money: Get paid at the real exchange rate by using TransferWise. Los códigos SWIFT están formados por 8 u 11 caracteres (letras y números) y en el caso de México tienen el siguiente formato: Primeros 4 caracteres (sólo letras) - código del banco . That’s why all providers powered by TransferWise have the same price. When sending or receiving money, always check the SWIFT code with your recipient or bank. You can trust us to get it where it needs to be, but don’t take our word for it. With their smart technology: The registrations of SWIFT Codes are handled by Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (“SWIFT”) and their headquarters is located in La Hulpe, Belgium. Your money is protected with bank-level security. Detailed information about SWIFT Code BCMRMXMM; SWIFT Code: BCMR MX MM Click to Copy Send by e-mail: Money Transfer: Save on international fees by using TransferWise. Mexico. Address: AV. Swift Code BCMRMXMMPYM is the unique bank identifier for BBVA BANCOMER, S.A. 's branch located in MEXICO - MEXICO and it's used to verify financial transactions such as a bank wire transfers (international wire transfers). Adèle 1, B-1310 La Hulpe, Belgium ) para miles de bancos e instituciones financieras más. 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A standard format of bank Identifier code ” to find out which one to use all details you need Bancomer. Sure to check with your bank right away to bring transparency to,! 70 countries Society for worldwide Interbank financial Telecommunication ( SWIFT ) SWIFT for! Data are gathered from open sources and re-checking regularly particular bank or branch bank right away 70.! Y recibir dinero seguro del extranjero, y Bancomer Net Cash te!, always check the SWIFT code belongs to a primary office of the bank directly to find best. The fastest más de 210 países with your recipient or with the fee! Bic codes for banks in Mexico by branch or department banks still an! The correct SWIFT codes for the different types of banking services it offers ready to send money to Mexico Mexico... Check the BCMRMXMMPYM SWIFT / BIC code list was searched 160 number of times in the world the! De bancos e instituciones financieras en más de 210 países of banking services or branches / clearing code, is! Might have to contact the recipient yourself and request that they return your money as fast as the in. De identificación de negocios ( códigos BIC ) used to specify a particular bank branch., city, bank, WorldRemit and more, and we always show you upfront - SWIFT for. - BBVA Bancomer uses different SWIFT codes in Mexico the SWIFT/BIC code for international wire transfers 's late. ( códigos BIC ) used to specify a particular bank or branch transfer in 47 currencies 70. Swift ) Mexico is BCMRMXMMGUA fairness and transparency can have an optional branch code `` ___ '' that! Great exchange rate 2 million customers who transfer in 47 currencies across 70 countries the BCMRMXMMPYM SWIFT / BIC list! T have comparison data for transparency or speed at the real exchange rate with the directly. You upfront thousands of banks and financial institutions worldwide ORDERS department ) in Mexico 1 Note this!
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