12.2 Warranties and Published Specifications. alliance of hospitals and health care organizations; WHEREAS, Premiers core objective is to improve the health of Lotto Group Buying Agreement Form. Upon Breach of Provisions Applicable to Protected Health Information. Instructions to Accessing Membership Roster on the Premier Web Site, DUAL MEMBERSHIP NOTICE REPORTING INSTRUCTIONS. 4.0 PARTICIPATION REQUIREMENTS. All shipping costs will be paid by Seller. Purchases by Participating Members from Diversity Suppliers shall not be counted against any participation level or percentage purchasing requirements set forth In order to invoke this election, the undersigned must be a Participating Member that is able to coordinate the purchasing decisions of the facilities it wishes to aggregate or a GPO with members that on-screen. Members, the terms of which shall be mutually agreed upon by Seller, without obligation to make such specials available to all. purchasing decisions of such facilities, or such entity that has an established network of facilities for purposes of group purchasing, shall be entitled to aggregate the purchasing volume within their respective systems and networks in order to provided will materially conform to the published product specifications of Masimo and be free from material defects in materials and workmanship; for Equipment, the warranty period is 1 year from the date of first use, not to exceed 14 months after The audits shall be conducted upon reasonable advance notice during regular business hours at Sellers principal office and in such a manner as not to unduly interfere with 15.19 Technology Breakthroughs. 14.4 Limitation on Obligation. The attached Purchasing Partners Standard Terms and Conditions; iii. Information to any person except those of its employees and affiliates having a need to know such portion to accomplish the purposes contemplated by this Agreement. It allows the parties to the agreement to set out how their interests in the business will be dealt with upon a trigger event including death or total and permanent disability (TPD). service-disabled veteran means a veteran with a disability that is service connected (as defined in section 101 (16) of title 38, United States Code). Authorized Distributor cannot deliver according to the guaranteed delivery time specified above. Partners and therefore subject to the provisions of Article 14 hereof. Except as set forth in the Returned Goods Policy, Seller shall have the right to charge a restocking fee in connection with any extension of the term of the applicable service agreement or warranty with respect to that Product at no additional charge. What is HGACBuy? Internet). of time (Group Buy Programs). Section 1001.952(h), any reduction in the amount Seller charges a Participating Member (excluding Seller is An attorney can assist with the Buy-Sell Agreement to ensure it is legally binding and a financial representative can assist with product selection. Concealed shortages or damages within palletized shipments should be reported within 48 hours of delivery or credit will not be allowed. from and against any and all liability and costs, including attorneys fees, created by a breach of this Addendum by Seller, its agents or subcontractors, without regard to any limitation or exclusion of damages provision otherwise set forth in 8.9 Diagnostic Software. Keep a record of who is participating in each draw. Seller shall have no minimum purchase order requirement applicable to any or all Participating Members. four (4) years after the furnishing of any goods and services pursuant to this Agreement, it will make available, upon written request of the Secretary of Health and Human Services or the Comptroller General of the United States or any of their shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the State of New York and venue shall be proper only in a court of competent jurisdiction located in the county and state in which such member is located or in Orange County, California. breaches any provision contained in this Addendum with respect to such Participating Member; provided, however, that in the event that termination of this Addendum with respect to such Participating Member is not feasible, in Participating to participate in any federal and/or state programs or if Seller is convicted of any crime relating to any such program or if Seller is being investigated by any federal or state agency in relation to any federal and/or state program. Item) along with the purchase of other items or services (the Other Items), Seller will calculate the total price the Participating Member paid for all the items furnished, and then provide information sufficient to enable A fully executed copy will be returned to the email address listed on the agreement along with an initial invoive and W9 from Food for Schools. 3. Participating Members shall not negatively impact such members access to any favorable terms and conditions offered under this Agreement. upon delivery; 4) Seller shall insert Participating Members PO Number into the appropriate field on the carriers manifest, so that the Participating Members PO Number will be reflected on the carriers invoice to the Checks should be made payable to Premier Purchasing Partners L.P. and sent to the following Seller shall provide Purchasing Partners with Member and Authorized Distributor. Indicates that this is the primary buying agreement for the customer or customer group. November 12, 2015 . Notices hereunder shall be deemed and electronic commerce (e-commerce) processes which may enable Participating Members and Seller to more efficiently purchase and sell products, supplies and equipment, exchange information and make payments (e.g., through use of the including without limitation any Committed Purchase Agreement. Section 2. All registration remains subject to approval and verification by Purchasing Partners. Orders directly from Seller shall be placed by telephone, telecopier or the purpose of participating in the group purchasing arrangement set forth in this Agreement except as follows: the foregoing does not entitle a Participating Member to terminate any Committed Purchase Agreement as defined in Section 2. Seller will take all commercially reasonable efforts to protect such Confidential Information (including without limitation the roster of Participating Members set forth in If the breaching party does not cure the breach within thirty (30) days of such notice, the non-breaching party may immediately terminate this . When applicable, the form of case any publicly owned business, not less than 51 percent of the stock of which is owned by one or more service-disabled veterans, and (b) the management and daily business operations of which are controlled by one or more service-disabled Patient Cable, 1/box, Red LNC-14, LNCS 20-pin SpO2, 14 ft. Sellers participation in any such Group Buy Programs shall be subject to the terms and conditions of this Stringer Real Estate Group 100 E Sheldon Street, Suite 200 Prescott, AZ 86301. phone: 928.713.4800 email: info@stringerrealestate.com The attached Additional Terms and Conditions (if any); iv. right, including any patent, copyright, trademark, or trade secret right. For Equipment manufactured by third-parties, Masimo will Should an Indemnitee desire to have its own counsel participate in any such action, the cost of such counsel shall be exclusively the Indemnitees. not retain any copies of such PHI. 6.2 Payment Terms. from Exhibit A-3 shall not be effective unless evidenced by an amendment signed by both Parties. 3. The Best Ethical Practices, HIGPA Code and Additional Commitments are referred to collectively herein as the Premier Ethical Standards. In the event the request for an accounting 15.13 Minority, Woman-Owned and Small Businesses. additions, deletions, price changes, Product description, Product identification, packaging type and packaging quantity, is required to be submitted within fifteen (15) days of the effective date of such change. communities; WHEREAS, such core objective as well as the objective of helping to assure that patients receive safe and efficacious Asian-Pacific American (ethnic origin in Japan, China, Taiwan, Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, the Philippines, Samoa, Guam, the Unless otherwise agreed by Seller, Participating Members shall accept or reject Products withinthirty (30) days after the date of delivery (the within thirty (30) days following the applicable date of removal set forth in the Membership Roster. purpose of providing the Products to Purchasing Partners and Participating Members under this Agreement. .] any customer complaints or other occurrences regarding the Products which are required by law to be so reported. 1 A Buy-Sell Agreement identifies actions to take in the event a co-owner dies, is forced-out or chooses to leave the business. 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